Wednesday, January 31, 2007


This is a photo-friday submission. To me the funniest thing about this is that the free template I used claimed that it would improve self-esteem.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I was grateful to have a nice warm day for the first time in a while, and probably the last one for another week or so. It made me happy, and it made all the people happy:

Actually my friend and I went out looking for good nature pictures and ended up (at least I did) with more pictures of civilization.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Yes, those are the fingers of an actual mortal human, moving at delirious warp speed. They're so fast, you don't even want to know what it sounds like. And it's a darn good thing!

Actually, close inspection will reveal that the strings aren't even vibrating. How'd that happen?

For the real thing, click here.

Monday, January 15, 2007

when texas freezes over

Those rock-looking things surrounding the sparrow are figs (except for the one that's actually a rock). I threw them out about a week ago, and it appears that the animals don't like them either.

Like the birds, I've done little else on this icy day but eat. If we get iced-in tomorrow then eventually I will eat everything in the house. But don't worry. By then I will no doubt have asphyxiated myself with the fat on my face, so I won't have any need for more supplies.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Peaceful, when the weather's kind of dreary, means sitting around all day staying warm, making soup, reading, watching stuff, surfing, and every once in a while putting on a coat and going outside to take a picture of something that represents peaceful.

Monday, January 08, 2007

five things

I received a request (challenge/dare/burden/invitation) from this guy to list five things people might not know about me. So, in order(?), here they are:

1. I almost always have tortillas in my house, yet I rarely have sliced bread.

2. When I was about nine years old my brother and I formed a music group called Gladys Arm and the Pits. I don't recall much music coming from it.

3. Often, when I'm leaving my dogs to themselves, I tell them that I have "some doin' to do." They seem to accept that explanation.

4. I have a modest collection of nude postcards (that is to say, postcards with photos of nudes). I don't think I purchased any of them. Most were given as gifts by people who believed I collected postcards of nudes. One was pilfered from a used bookstore (though given the time I think I could explain how it was justifiable pilfering).

5. I have never completed a novel by anyone named Austen or Bronte. This is a confession, not a critical position.

Friday, January 05, 2007

sister (moon)

Admittedly, this is a stretch, but it was fun standing out in the street at night having passersby wonder what I was doing with a small table and St. Francis. Some people (not many) may remember a movie that came out in the 70's called Brother Sun, Sister Moon, portraying Francis of Assisi as a flower child. I don't remember it being particularly good, but I still remember the song, performed by Donovan I think.

So when I saw the Photo Friday theme of "sister," knowing that my own sibling is in another state and that there is no convenient access to nuns in the neighborhood, this is what comes out: an obscure allusion featuring a slightly scary-looking saint (it looks like he might smash the bird) and a fuzzy satellite.