Monday, January 15, 2007

when texas freezes over

Those rock-looking things surrounding the sparrow are figs (except for the one that's actually a rock). I threw them out about a week ago, and it appears that the animals don't like them either.

Like the birds, I've done little else on this icy day but eat. If we get iced-in tomorrow then eventually I will eat everything in the house. But don't worry. By then I will no doubt have asphyxiated myself with the fat on my face, so I won't have any need for more supplies.


jennifer black said...

Funny story. Cool photo of a *wren*. a-hem...

Anonymous said...

Hi, Phil! Glenda (yes, Poulter) here. jblack is right. That bird is a Carolina wren, not a sparrow. But we'll forgive you this time since it IS a cool photo!

Phil Poulter said...

People are so picky about their birds! Oh well - it's nice to hear from you Glenda, and you have some great pictures on your site, of all kinds of animals and birds. (No wrens though.)