Sunday, June 03, 2007


There's a mnemonic phrase to help identify poisonous snakes, but like many of these phrases, I can never remember how it goes. "Black and yellow . . . " Then what? "Don't worry about it?" "It will kill you?" I think it's supposed to rhyme, and that the last word is "fellow," but that didn't inspire enough confidence to befriend this one.

Research tells me this is a black-neck garter snake and harmless. Black and yellow, and I still have no inclination to touch it.


bluerose said...

Red and black, friend of Jack. Red and yellow, kill a fellow. How to tell the difference between a coral snake and I think a king snake. I'm not sure, but the important part is that red stripes touching yellow is a coral snake.

Ps. I like your "how I see myself" post. It made me laugh.

Phil Poulter said...

Thank you. You have a good memory and a great blog site.

jennifer black said...

Whoa. Where was that? Not your yard, I hope. I'm never going in your back yard again.
