Wednesday, September 24, 2008


The other morning, while I sat at my breakfast table, an armadillo walked past the window, not more than 10 feet from me. As I watched it saunter off into the bushes I ruminated on what a great picture I could have gotten had a camera been nearby. It was then that I noticed I had not one, not two - well, okay, two - cameras within arm's length. I grabbed one, walked outside, spotted the armored beast making its way into a hole, and snapped two pictures. Both were terrible.

So instead I offer a picture of a good band, Atash, who were happy to be playing in what their singer referred to as "the city of Baylor."

At the same event I had an opportunity to harass this poor, underpaid mime, who, very un-mimelike, averted her eyes when I aimed the camera. Maybe she's appropriately paid after all.

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