Wednesday, March 11, 2009

join the cause

I set for myself the task of taking a picture of a shrug and trying to make it slightly interesting. The challenges included using a model whose face diminished the aesthetics of the picture, and the fact that the model wore a hoody, so that a wide shot made it look more like a picture of someone performing the Eucharist. So I'm left with a picture needing an explanation, and the hope that most people viewing like orange.

But the task was in support of a much more urgent action. Lately I've noticed people putting the gesture above into a printed utterance: meh. At first I thought it was idiosyncratic of a friend, then another friend. But now I see it is ubiquitous, the canonical spelling of a sound people make as shorthand for "whatever" or "I will now stop thinking about this particular problem that only marginally concerns me" or "it is out of my hands and I surrender to greater powers." Or whatever.

Since the first time I saw the word in print I was convinced that it represented no sound that people actually make. If it does, then it is the sound Jack Lemon made in The Odd Couple when he had to clear his sinus passages. Hilarious, by the way. But not a sound someone would make casually, which means it shouldn't be associated with a shrug.

Therefore, I call upon all phonetically responsible people to join me in rejecting this growing threat, and heretofore adopt as standard and correct a new spelling, accurate, clear, and universal:


Whatever. I will now google the newest word in the language.


Anonymous said...

I sent you an email the other day with Sneh in the subject like. I think sneh is like meh. I only use it because I stole it from The Simpsons. Don't hate.

Phil Poulter said...

I believe you mean to spell it chnnnhe, with the c silent. Actually, I did google my alternate spelling, and found that I was not the first person to think of it, and that it also appears to be a word in some other language, let's just say Hungarian. I'm afraid to put it into a translation dictionary, because it will probably say that it means meh.

Anonymous said...

Meh can also be an adjective. As in: "That movie was kind of meh."

Phil Poulter said...

Sounds like a bunch of meh sneh to me.